With the festivities of Thanksgiving weekend behind us, like it or not, we are entering the season of snow, sleet, slush, and ice. Along with further preparation for the upcoming holiday season, nearing the top of your list should be a visit to your auto mechanic in order to get your winter tires installed on your car.
While all-season tires proudly proclaim their year-round nature in their name, the soft rubber compound that is specific to winter tires allows for increased contact and therefore traction on the road during the cold days of winter. This improved traction allows for better control and shortened braking distances, ultimately allowing you to practice safe driving techniques with increased ease during rough winter days.
If you are in the market for new winter tires, be sure to speak to a trusted professional in order to obtain the best tires for your vehicle and driving needs.
So pick up a set or dig yours out of storage and make an appointment at your auto mechanic before the real winter rush begins!