How does a ticket affect your auto insurance?
Posted on January 16, 2015 in Auto Insurance, Mitigation

A popular misconception amongst Ontario drivers is that a minor ticket with no demerit points will not negatively impact their automobile insurance. This is unfortunately not the case. All moving violations from a speeding ticket to a distracted driving charge will influence your insurance.
Generally, if you are charged with a minor moving violation, your insurance premium will experience an increase. In order to mitigate this risk of premium increase, here are some helpful tips to help protect against easily avoidable tickets:
- Always be sure that a valid pink liability card is on your person or in the glove compartment of the vehicle you are operating.
- Be mindful of speed limit changes when driving.
Many non-highway roads on the way up north to the cottage have fluctuating speed limits, ranging from 80km/h in the country to 40km/h in the small towns you pass on your drive. Be sure to abide by these signs in order to reduce your risk of a ticket and to stay safe! - Program your GPS prior to starting your trip and go hands free with all electronics.
- Many school zones now have signs that, when flashing, reduce speed limits to account for increased pedestrian traffic. So keep your eyes peeled for flashing lights and slow your speed!
As always, if you are interested in discussing any aspect of your automobile insurance policy, please feel free to contact us!