The FOCA Association Insurance Program offers a custom-designed insurance package, built with Cottage, Lake, Road and Land Association groups in mind. As a benefit of membership in FOCA, Associations are granted access to this program’s exclusive combination of coverages and discounting. This insurance provides your organization and its volunteers a peace of mind as you carry out your important work on behalf of your members! Cade Associates is the exclusive provider of the FOCA Association Insurance Program, underwritten by Aviva Canada.
Who Benefits?
Cottage & Lake Associations
Road Associations
Community Associations
Land Associations
Conversation Groups
Common Coverages

Commercial General Liability – Relying heavily on your volunteers, the work your association does within your community is invaluable. Liability insurance allows you to focus on this work with the comfort that comes with knowing you have protection for the organization and the volunteers working on your behalf. This Liability coverage is designed for non-profit organizations and will respond to claims of bodily injury or damage to property of others brought against your organization and its volunteers.

Directors & Officers Liability – Your organization wouldn’t exist without the efforts of the board volunteers who devote their time and energy to the activities of your association. These executive board members are particularly vulnerable to claims brought by others for financial loss. Some examples might include misrepresentation, mismanagement of funds, wrongful dismissal of an employee, etc.

Volunteer Accident Coverage – Even when you have taken appropriate safety measures to prevent accidents, there’s always the chance of a volunteer getting hurt while assisting the Association with their activities. Volunteer Accident Compensation Coverage can provide immediate financial support for your volunteers when they sustain serious and permanent injuries while performing work on your behalf. In the event of the accidental death, dismemberment, or permanent disability to a volunteer, financial reimbursement is provided quickly.

Property Coverage – Over the years, your association may have grown and acquired items that require protection against physical loss or damage. Structures, watercraft, office or AGM equipment and more can be covered by this insurance program.

Privacy Breach – As your organization grows increasingly reliant on technology, more information than ever is being stored digitally including member contact information, transactions for donations or membership dues and more. The breach of this important, confidential or private information can lead to a significant loss that requires appropriate coverage, available within the FOCA Organization Insurance Program.

Owned or Managed Land – Your organization may have exposure to liability claims related to lands you own or manage. Waterfront properties can be of especially high hazard. This program will work to arrange appropriate coverage for these plots of land and communal space.
Legal Helpline
Participants of the FOCA Association liability insurance program have automatic access to a Legal Helpline. This service allows your organization to call a helpline of lawyers, able to respond to your questions about your rights and responsibilities under the law. The Legal Helpline is provided at no cost with no limit on the number of calls you may make in a year!
Common Activities
This Program is built with the activities of Cottage, Lake, Road and Land groups in mind. We understand that your activities can include a wide range of operations, all in the interest of providing a service to your members and to protect your natural environment.
Examples of operations covered by the Program include Annual Meetings; Social Gatherings; Regattas; Road Maintenance; Water Hazard Marking; Invasive Species Management; Land Ownership/Maintenance and more!
About FOCA
FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations, a not-for-profit organization representing volunteer associations and individual property owners all across Ontario. FOCA is the provincial voice of cottage country! FOCA represents the people who live at the waterfront in Ontario, whether seasonally or year-round. Their members are lake and road associations, some very small and some very large, and every size in between.
In support of these community organizations, FOCA and Cade Associates have partnered to provide this association insurance program, available exclusively to members of FOCA.
CottageFirst is a group insurance program designed for and exclusively available to members of FOCA. CottageFirst is a one-stop shop for all personal insurance needs. We can insure your cottage by itself, or our comprehensive packages can bundle together your cottage, home, watercraft, recreational vehicles, and automobile policies. All placed with coverages designed by cottagers, for cottagers.
As a member of FOCA, your Association’s members are automatically eligible to access CottageFirst. Click below to learn more!
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