Ontario Land Trust Alliance Insurance Program

Land Trusts belonging to the Ontario Land Trust Alliance have access to an insurance program specifically designed to insure those activities most commonly conducted by organizations holding natural lands in trust. A Commercial General Liability policy protects the Trust and its volunteers for the exposures associated with land ownership while the board can operate with peace of mind by carrying Directors & Officers Liability insurance. We will prepare a package of insurances to allow you to operate with confidence.

Common Coverages

Commercial General Liability – Relying heavily on your volunteers, the work your organization does within your community is invaluable. Liability insurance allows you to focus on this work with the comfort that comes with knowing you have protection for the organization and the volunteers working on your behalf. This Liability coverage is designed for non-profit organizations and will respond to claims of bodily injury or damage to property of others brought against your organization and its volunteers.

Directors & Officers Liability – Your organization wouldn’t exist without the efforts of the board volunteers who devote their time and energy to the activities of your organization. These executive board members are particularly vulnerable to claims brought by others for financial loss. Some examples might include misrepresentation, mismanagement of funds, wrongful dismissal of an employee, etc.

Owned or Managed Land – Trusts who own or manage lands have an exposure to potential liability claims arising out of those properties. Whether your Trust owns the land, or if you are engaged in management or conservation easement agreements, The OLTA program allows access to appropriate coverage for these naturalized lands.

Volunteer Accident Coverage – Even when you have taken appropriate safety measures to prevent accidents, there’s always the chance of a volunteer getting hurt while assisting the organization with their activities. Volunteer Accident Coverage will provide immediate financial support for your volunteers when they are injured during their work on your behalf, assisting with medical and out-of-pocket expenses typically incurred. In the event of the accidental death, dismemberment, or permanent disability to a volunteer, financial reimbursement is provided quickly.

Privacy Breach – As your organization grows increasingly reliant on technology, more information than ever is being stored digitally including member contact information, transactions for donations or membership dues and more. The breach of this important, confidential or private information can lead to a significant loss that requires appropriate coverage, available through this insurance program.

Property Coverage – Over the years, your organization may have grown and acquired items that require protection against physical loss or damage. Structures, watercraft, office or AGM equipment and more can be covered by this insurance program.

Geospacial Mapping: Errors & Omissions – Land Trusts occasionally are involved in geospatial mapping programs coordinated by the government and are required to carry Errors & Omissions coverage. OLTA members have access to a specialized E&O coverage for participation in this program.

About the Ontario Land Trust Alliance

The Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) represents the network of land trusts across Ontario. Land trusts are community based, non-profit organizations primarily focused on protecting significant natural landscapes for future generations. They also provide protection to important agricultural lands and cultural heritage features. More than 85,000 acres of significant natural lands and sensitive wildlife habitat has been protected through the actions of Ontario’s land trusts.

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